Type 2 disease

Type 2 diabetes is the type of diabetes which occurs due to two reason. The two reasons are: (1) your body is failing to produce enough amount of insulin to handle the glucose present in your blood stream. (2) or when your body is producing adequate amount of insulin but is failing to utilize that insulin to tackle the sugar in the blood.

Usually, people with sedentary lifestyle, no exercise, bad eating habits are the ones who get affected by diabetes type 2. Now-a-days, type 2 diabetes is also affecting teenagers and youngsters due to indoor playing habits and fats food eating habits. Due to this reason, it was known as adult onset diabetes, however, researchers now proved that both type 1 and type 2 can start in the adulthood as well as in the childhood.

Signs and symptoms

Type 2 is the most notable kind of diabetes.  Around 8 million people who have it don’t have any association with it. Here are a few symptoms of the type 2 diabetes: extraordinarily dry mouth, peeing a ton, blurry vision, being moody and sensitive, sensations of numbness and tingle in your hands and feet, fatigue/tiredness, wounds that don’t heal quickly, and conditions that affect your stomach and appetite such as feeling of being hungry and thirsty all the time, weight loss or gain, etc.

If you have dull rashes around your neck or armpits, see your doctor. These are called acanthosis nigricans and indicates that you might have diabetes.

Common risk factors behind Type 2 Diabetes

Your pancreas makes a compound called insulin. It helps your cells turn glucose or sugar, from the food you eat into energy. People with type 2 diabetes make insulin, yet their cells don’t use it equivalently as they should.  Normally, a blend of things causes type 2 diabetes. They may include:

  • Diabetes can run in families and according to researchers you might similar parts of your DNA as of your ancestors which can predispose you to higher risk of getting diabetes.
  • Being overweight or obese. Being overweight or huge can cause insulin obstruction, particularly on the off chance that you pull your additional pounds around your abdominal region.
  • Metabolic issue. People who are affected by this condition usually have many factors such as high glucose intakes, extra fat around the waist, hypertension, and raised cholesterol, and increased intake of greasy substances.
  • Too much glucose from your liver. Right when your glucose is low, your liver starts to produce more of it to compensate. Once you’ve eaten your meal your glucose surges up, and your liver will regularly ease off and stop producing it. However, a couple of individuals’ livers don’t. They keep on putting out sugar.
  • Bad correspondence between cells. To a great extent, cells give some unsuitable signs or don’t get messages viably. This poor communication between cells due to any reason might lead to type 2 diabetes.
  • Damages or immature beta cells. If the cells that cause insulin to pass on are damaged they might produce insulin at an unnecessary rate or time. High glucose can hurt these cells too. [1]

Type 2 Diabetes management

The management of type 2 diabetes can be achieved by a blend of small life changes and a few drugs. You may have the choice to achieve your standard glucose levels with diet and exercise only.

  • Weight management. This is one of the first steps that you can take to manage your blood glucose levels. Initially, check your weight and BMI. Try to keep it in a normal range for your height and age. If you’re already overweight maybe drop a few pounds. Weight loss might seem like a huge task to do but what you can do is to make portions of your diet and manage the intake of carbs, fats, proteins and other essential nutrients in portions.
  • Adapting healthy eating habits. There’s no specific eating routine for people suffering with this type of diabetes. A selected dietitian can show you how much of each nutrient to intake and help you make a dinner plan you can continue your life with. You need to focus on reducing the calorie intake, processed fats and fast food intake, adding more greens and fiber to your diet.
  • You need to add a healthy amount of exercise or dynamic work routine to your life. Ideally, you should work out or play or do some exercise for a period of 30-60 minutes throughout a day. Exercises might include walking, running, cycling, swimming, brisk walking and more.
  • Watch your glucose levels. You need to keep a medical device to monitor your blood glucose regularly at your home.[2]

Medications to treat type 2 diabetes

If lifestyle changes don’t get you to your target glucose levels, you may require medication. The absolute generally common for type 2 diabetes incorporate

  • Metformin is ideally the drug of choice for treating type 2 diabetes.
  • Sulfonylureas help by making more insulin to tackle excess glucose in the blood.
  • Meglitinides work in a similar way as that of sulfonylureas but they are way quicker.
  • Thiazolidinediones might work like metformin but not suitable for heart patients.
  • DPP-4 inhibitors help by bringing the sugar levels in your blood under control but as a consequence might cause joint problems and other issues with the liver.
  • GLP-1 receptor agonists. You ingest these medications with a needle to direct preparation and lower glucose levels.
  • SGLT2 inhibitors work in a different way than all of those mentioned above. They make your kidneys extract out more glucose from the blood.
  • Insulin can also be taken directly to deal with higher levels of glucose in the blood.

Out of all these treatment options, some might work for you and some might not. You can consult with your doctor in order to find the best combination of drugs for you. However, prevention is always better than the treatment. Try to limit your intake of glucose and fats, oily foods, and try to do more exercise and work throughout the day. [3]


[1] https://www.healthline.com/health/diabetes

[2] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/symptoms-causes/syc-20371444

[3] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323627